Minecraft command for StreamToEarn and Tikfinity

Table of contents:

  1. How to Become an Administrator
  2. Basic commands
  3. Simple commands
  4. Commands for Triggering Events via Terminal and StreamToEarn and TikFinity
  5. Complex Command Examples
  6. Easy Mob Generation with Minecraft Tools
  7. Gamerule commads
  8. Effects
  9. Minecraft plugins
  10. How to Use StreamToEarn and TikFinity
  11. Commands for StreamToEarn without “ServerTap”

Minecraft commands are special text-based tasks for your Minecraft server. They are executed through the server terminal or the chat under the T key. For commands to be executed in the game itself, the player must have administrator (OP) status.

How to Become an Administrator (OP) in Minecraft

Minecraft commands illustration

To grant yourself administrator (operator) rights in Minecraft, use the following command in the server console:

op [player's nickname]
Replace [player's nickname] with your in-game username. For example: op Steve.

Once you execute this command, the player will have access to all administrative privileges, including the ability to use commands such as /ban, /kick,/gamemode, /give, /summon..

Using Commands in Minecraft

Minecraft offers a wide range of commands that allow players to modify game rules, manage the server, and customize their gameplay experience. To enter a command, open the chat window by pressing the T key (default setting). If you've reassigned this function, use the key specified in your control settings.

For added convenience, Minecraft provides two helpful features: Autocomplete and Tab Completion. These tools simplify the process of writing commands by offering suggestions and automatically completing commands or arguments.


Autocomplete is a feature that suggests or completes commands based on what you’ve already typed. It reduces errors and speeds up command entry, especially for longer commands.

Tab Completion

The Tab key is commonly used to trigger autocomplete. In Minecraft, pressing the Tab key while typing a command will show a list of possible options or complete your current input.


If you're typing /summon, pressing the Tab key will display all available entities, such as:

  • /summon sheep
  • /summon zombie
  • /summon cow

Why Use These Features?

Both Autocomplete and Tab Completion save time and reduce mistakes when entering commands, making them especially useful for server management or when experimenting with complex commands.

You can press Tab multiple times to cycle through the options. Now, let’s dive into the commands themselves in detail. For example, you might need commands for streams so that viewers can interact with you, or to make survival easier or, conversely, more challenging. There are commands that are simple for regular use and more complex ones for detailed customization, such as for mini-games or similar tasks.

Basic commands

There are basic commands that you will need when first starting a server; in the game itself, these are:

  • /gamemode survival
    — changes the game mode to survival.
  • /gamemode creative
    — changes the game mode to creative.
  • /spawnpoint
    — sets the respawn point for a player.
  • /difficulty Peaceful|Easy|Normal|Hard
    — sets the game difficulty for all users.
  • /tp @p 100 64 100
    — teleports a players or an object to the coordinates (100, 64, 100).
  • You can also teleport yourself via the console:
  • /execute as Omodox run tp ~ ~10 ~
  • /restart
    — restarts the server.
  • /reload confirm
    — reloads game resources, such as data files, functions, mods, or command blocks. This is especially useful during development or when using command block functions, allowing updates without restarting the game. It is also useful for reloading plugins after their installation.
  • /fill
    — fills an area with blocks.
  • Example: /fill 0 64 0 10 64 10 stone — fills a 10×10 square with stone.
  • /time set day
    — sets the time to day on the server.
  • /clear
    — clears your inventory. Alternatively, you can remove a specific item from yourself or all players.
  • Example: /clear @p diamond_sword — removes a diamond sword from the inventory of the nearest player.
  • /weather clear
    — sets the weather to sunny.

Simple commands

Simple commands - Work only from the in-game chat as they require the player's relative coordinates.

The simple basic commands in the game are:

  1. /summon - creates an entity (mob, object, or other structure) in the world.
  2. Example:

    /summon zombie
    Summons a zombie near your character

  3. /give - gives an item or object to a player's inventory.
  4. Example:

    /give @p diamond 5
    gives the player 5 diamonds

  5. /title - displays a title or message on the player's screen.
  6. Example:

    /title @p title {"text":"Hello World!","color":"gold"}
    Displays the message "Hello World!" in gold color on the player's screen.

  7. /trigger - used to activate triggers in scripts or events.
  8. Example:

    /trigger myScoreboard add 1

    adds 1 to the value of the "myScoreboard" trigger.

How to View My/Your Coordinates in Minecraft

To find your coordinates in Minecraft, you can use the in-game debug screen. This is a helpful feature that displays detailed information about your current position and environment.

Steps to View Coordinates:

  • Step 1: Press the F3 key on your keyboard (or Fn + F3 on some laptops) to open the debug screen.
  • Step 2: Look for the XYZ section on the left side of the screen. This displays your current coordinates in the following format:
    • X: Your position east or west of the origin (0, 0).
    • Y: Your height above or below sea level.
    • Z: Your position north or south of the origin (0, 0).
  • Step 3: To close the debug screen, press F3 again.

What Are ~ ~ ~ in Minecraft?

The tilde symbol (~) is used to reference relative coordinates. When you use ~ ~ ~ in a command, it refers to coordinates relative to your current position:

  • ~: The current X-coordinate (east or west).
  • ~: The current Y-coordinate (up or down).
  • ~: The current Z-coordinate (north or south).

This allows you to execute commands relative to where you or another entity are located in the game.

Examples of Using Relative Coordinates:

Example 1: Placing a Block
/setblock ~ ~-3 ~ stone
This command places a stone block 3 blocks below your current position (relative Y-coordinate is ~ -3).
Example 2: Summoning a Mob Behind You
/execute as @p at @s run summon zombie ~-3 ~ ~
This command summons a zombie 3 blocks behind your current position (relative X-coordinate is ~ -3).
Example 3: Placing a Door at an Offset
/setblock ~3 ~ ~ oak_door[half=lower,facing=south,open=true]
This command places an open oak door 3 blocks to the east of your current position (relative X-coordinate is ~ 3).

Tip: Using relative coordinates allows you to dynamically execute commands without needing to know exact world coordinates, making commands much more flexible and efficient.

Commands for Triggering Events via Terminal and StreamToEarn and TikFinity

Execute is a key command for triggering events through the terminal, as it allows commands to be executed on behalf of a player or mob that has coordinates in the world. This makes it an essential tool for advanced interactions and customizations.

Without using plugins for mini-games, most complex commands are executed through execute. It provides the flexibility needed to create dynamic gameplay experiences directly from the console.

This command is exactly what you need for a classic Minecraft server setup, especially when integrating with platforms like StreamToEarn or TikFinity to automate actions and enhance interactivity.

Execute is a keyword for executing complex commands. It allows you to run another command in the context of a specific object, location, or condition. Let's break down each part of such a command with an example:

execute at PlayerName run summon zombie ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:"\"{username}\""}

As we already know, execute is a keyword for running complex commands. at specifies that the command will be executed on behalf of or at the location of another object or player. PlayerName is the name of the player on whose behalf the command will be executed. This can be a specific name, a selector (e.g., @a, @p, @e), or coordinates.

Selectors are special elements in commands that allow you to target specific entities, such as players, mobs, or objects, for command execution. They are very useful for precise interaction with the game world. The main selectors are:

  • @p — the nearest player.
  • @a — all players.
  • @r — a random player.
  • @e — all entities.
  • @s — the command executor.

Run — indicates that the following part is the command to be executed.

Summon — a command to spawn an entity (mob, item, vehicle, etc.) in the game world. In this case, a zombie is summoned.

~ ~ ~ — these are coordinates for spawning the entity relative to the current location:

  • ~: the same X-coordinate as the player or specified object.
  • ~: the same Y-coordinate as the player or specified object.
  • ~: the same Z-coordinate as the player or specified object.

You can also customize the summoned zombie by using additional parameters. For example:

execute at PlayerName run summon zombie ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:"\"ZombieKing\"",CustomNameVisible:1b}

CustomName: Assigns a name to the zombie. For instance, "ZombieKing" will display above the zombie.

CustomNameVisible: Ensures that the name is always visible, not only when the player hovers over the mob. Use CustomNameVisible:1b to enable this behavior.

As an additional example, here’s how you would summon an Ender Dragon with a custom name:

summon ender_dragon ~ ~10 ~ {DragonPhase:0,CustomName:"\"{username}\""}

This command spawns an Ender Dragon 10 blocks above the current position with a custom name. The DragonPhase:0 ensures the dragon is in its flying phase and does not attack crystals or players.

There are countless properties, but the main ones can be highlighted as:

1. General Properties for Entities (Mobs):

The table below outlines the key properties that can be applied to entities (mobs) in Minecraft, including their formatting and examples:

Property Description Format Example
CustomName Defines the name of the entity, displayed above it. "CustomName":"Name" "CustomName":"Steve"
Health Specifies the mob's health value. Health:value Health:50
Attributes Defines mob stats like speed, attack strength, etc. Attributes:[{Name:"attribute",Base:value}] [{Name:"generic.max_health",Base:100}]
Invulnerable Makes the mob immune to damage. Invulnerable:1b Invulnerable:1b
NoAI Disables mob's AI; it won't move or attack. NoAI:1b NoAI:1b
Silent Prevents the mob from making sounds. Silent:1b Silent:1b
Glowing Highlights the mob with a glowing outline. Glowing:1b Glowing:1b
Tags Adds custom tags to the mob for conditional actions. Tags:["tag1","tag2"] Tags:["Boss","Minion"]

Additional Examples of Entity Properties with Execute

Example 1: Creating a Boss Mob

/execute at @p run summon zombie ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:"\"Zombie King\"",CustomNameVisible:1b,Health:200,Attributes:[{Name:"generic.attack_damage",Base:15},{Name:"generic.movement_speed",Base:0.3}]}
Executes the command at the nearest player’s location and summons a "Zombie King" with 200 health points, higher attack damage, and increased movement speed. The name "Zombie King" will always be visible above the mob.

Example 2: Creating a Floating Glowing Entity

/execute at @s run summon armor_stand ~ ~1 ~ {Invisible:1b,Glowing:1b,CustomName:"\"Guide\"",CustomNameVisible:1b}
Executes the command at the command executor's location and summons an invisible, glowing armor stand with the name "Guide" that is always visible. This can be used as a marker or decoration in custom maps.

Example 3: Summoning a Mob with Tags for Conditional Actions

/execute at @p run summon skeleton ~ ~ ~ {Tags:["Archer","Guard"],Health:30,Attributes:[{Name:"generic.attack_damage",Base:10}],CustomName:"\"Skeleton Archer\"",CustomNameVisible:1b}
Executes the command at the nearest player’s location and summons a "Skeleton Archer" with 30 health points, extra attack damage, and tags "Archer" and "Guard". These tags can be used for targeting or triggering events with commands like /kill @e[tag=Archer].

2. Specific Properties for Certain Mobs:

  • Zombie:
    IsBaby: Makes the zombie a baby.
    Format: IsBaby:1b
  • Skeleton:
    HandItems: Defines the weapon in the skeleton's hand.
    Example: "HandItems":[{id:"bow",Count:1},{}]
  • Ender Dragon:
    DragonPhase: Defines the phase of the dragon.
    Example: DragonPhase:0 — flying, DragonPhase:5 — shooting.

3. Properties for Blocks:

The following example demonstrates how to use block properties:

/execute as @p at @s run setblock ~ ~ ~1 oak_door[half=lower,facing=south,open=true]

This command places an open oak door in front of the nearest player with specific states defined for the door.

Command Breakdown:

  • /execute: Expands the capabilities of other commands.
    • as @p: Executes the command as the nearest player.
    • at @s: Executes the command at the player's current coordinates.
  • run setblock: Specifies the action to place a block.
  • ~ ~ ~1: Places the block one block forward from the player's current position.
  • oak_door[half=lower,facing=south,open=true]: Defines the block type and its states:
    • half=lower: Specifies the lower part of the door.
    • facing=south: The door is facing south.
    • open=true: The door is open.

Example: Placing a Regular Block

To place a regular block, use the following command:

/setblock ~ ~ ~ stone

This command places a stone block at the player's current position.

Additional Block Properties:

  • BlockState: Defines the state of the block, such as the direction of a door or whether it's open or closed.
  • TileEntityData: Used for blocks that store data, such as chests, banners, or signs.

4. Properties for Items:

  • Enchantments: Adds enchantments to the item.
  • Unbreakable: Makes the item unbreakable. Format: Unbreakable:1b.
  • HideFlags: Hides specific properties in the item's description.
    Example: HideFlags:63 hides all properties.

5. Properties for Projectiles:

  • ExplosionPower: Defines the explosion power of fireballs.
    Example: ExplosionPower:3.
  • Damage: Defines the attack strength for arrows.
    Example: Damage:10.

6. Properties for Players (via Commands or NBT Data):

  • Inventory: Data about the player's inventory.
  • SelectedItem: Defines the item being held in the player's hand.

These are just some examples of properties. Minecraft has a rich set of NBT data for configuring objects, mobs, blocks, and players. For more detailed information, it's helpful to refer to the official Minecraft documentation.

Complex Command Examples:

  1. /execute at @p run teleport @s 100 64 100
    Teleports the player to coordinates 100, 64, 100.
  2. /execute at @s run summon fireball ~ ~ ~ {ExplosionPower:10, Direction:[0.0,1.0,0.0]}
    Creates a large fireball that explodes with high power. The Direction:[0.0,1.0,0.0] property sets the fireball's direction.
  3. /kill @e[type=!player]
    Kills all entities except players. The type=!player condition excludes players from being targeted.
  4. /kill @e[type=zombie,nbt={Armor:[{id:"iron_helmet"},{id:"iron_chestplate"},{id:"iron_leggings"},{id:"iron_boots"}]}]
    Kills only zombies wearing specific armor (in this case, full iron armor). The nbt={Armor:[...]} condition checks for the required items.
  5. /execute at Omodox run summon tnt ~ ~ ~ {fuse:0}
    Spawns active TNT at the player's position. The fuse:0 property sets the explosion timer to 0, causing the TNT to explode immediately.

An interesting complex command for analysis:

execute at PlayerName run summon area_effect_cloud ~ ~1 ~ {Passengers:[{id:tnt},{id:tnt},{id:tnt},{id:tnt},{id:tnt}]}
  • execute
    - this command will be executed at the position of PlayerName, meaning the position of the player named PlayerName. The command will be executed exactly from this point in the world.

  • run summon
    - the main action, which creates the entity area_effect_cloud.

  • area_effect_cloud
    - a special entity in Minecraft capable of interacting with the surrounding world (for example, applying effects to other entities within its area of effect). It is used for many mechanics in Minecraft, including applying effects or other specific tasks.

  • ~ ~1 ~
    - these are the coordinates where the area_effect_cloud will be created. ~ ~1 ~ means the entity will be created one block higher than the player's coordinates (PlayerName), since tildes represent relative coordinates (relative to the command's execution location).

  • {Passengers:[{id:tnt},{id:tnt},{id:tnt},{id:tnt},{id:tnt}]}
    - this part defines what happens to the area_effect_cloud after it's summoned, namely, five TNT will be attached to it.

  • Passengers
    - a tag that defines the entities that will be "passengers" in the summoned entity. In this case, area_effect_cloud becomes the transport for the TNT.

  • [{id:tnt},{id:tnt},{id:tnt},{id:tnt},{id:tnt}]
    - an array that contains five TNT objects. This means five TNT entities will be attached to the area_effect_cloud, each behaving as a "passenger" to this entity.

  • id:tnt
    - the type of entity that will be attached to the area_effect_cloud. In this case, it is TNT. This structure indicates that these specific TNT will be the "passengers" of the area_effect_cloud.

Easy Mob Generation with Minecraft Tools

Minecraft Tools Spawn Generator is a convenient online service for creating custom mobs with various attributes, including armor, weapons, and special abilities. It simplifies the process of generating entities by allowing you to configure their properties with just a few clicks.

One key feature of this tool is the ability to customize mobs with detailed settings like custom names, equipment, and NBT data. For example, you can generate a fully armored zombie or a creeper with unique properties.

However, when using the generated commands, it's important to modify them slightly. The tool often outputs commands like:

/summon minecraft:creeper ~ ~ ~ {ExplosionRadius:5,CustomName:"\"Exploder\""}

To ensure the command works correctly on most Minecraft servers, especially with modern setups, you must wrap it with execute. This ensures the command is executed on behalf of a player or entity with coordinates in the world. Here's the corrected version:

execute at @p run summon minecraft:creeper ~ ~ ~ {ExplosionRadius:5,CustomName:"\"Exploder\""}

Using execute ensures compatibility and allows for advanced customizations directly through the terminal.

Gamerule commads

Another type of command that is useful from the very beginning of a server's setup or for comfortable use in mini-games:

gamerule "rule" [true/false]
Changes game rules, which include many functions. Below are some of the most popular and necessary examples:
  • /gamerule sendCommandFeedback false
    Hides the server's executed commands from the game chat.
  • /gamerule doDaylightCycle false
    Disables the day-night cycle on the server.
  • /gamerule doWeatherCycle false
    Prevents the weather from changing between rain, sun, and other states.
  • /gamerule doTileDrops false
    Blocks will not drop as items after being destroyed.
  • /gamerule keepInventory true
    Allows players to keep their inventory contents after dying.


Effects in Minecraft are special statuses that temporarily alter the characteristics or behavior of players, mobs, or other entities. They can provide positive or negative impacts, such as boosting strength, increasing speed, or poisoning. Effects are applied in Minecraft using a command in the chat: /effect give "your username" "effect" "duration" "level" "particle animation"

    Positive Effects
  • Speed - speed (ID: 1)
  • Haste - haste (ID: 3)
  • Fire Resistance - fire_resistance (ID: 12)
  • Night Vision - night_vision (ID: 16)
  • Regeneration - regeneration (ID: 10)
  • Water Breathing - water_breathing (ID: 13)
  • Resistance - resistance (ID: 11)
  • Jump Boost - jump_boost (ID: 8)
  • Slow Falling - slow_falling (ID: 28)
  • Dolphin's Grace - dolphins_grace (ID: 30)
  • Hero of the Village - hero_of_the_village (ID: 32)
  • Strength - strength (ID: 5)
  • Health (Absorption) - absorption (ID: 22)
    Negative Effects
  • Weakness - weakness (ID: 18)
  • Blindness - blindness (ID: 15)
  • Mining Fatigue - mining_fatigue (ID: 4)
  • Slowness - slowness (ID: 2)
  • Poison - poison (ID: 19)
  • Wither - wither (ID: 20)
  • Hunger - hunger (ID: 17)
    Special Effects
  • Levitation - levitation (ID: 25)
  • Invisibility - invisibility (ID: 14)
  • Luck - luck (ID: 26)
  • Unluck - unluck (ID: 27)

Command examples:

/effect give @p speed 60 1
- increases speed for 60 seconds.
/effect give @p regeneration 30 5
- grants regeneration level 5 for 30 seconds.
/effect give Omodox night_vision 60 1
- gives night vision for 60 seconds to the player Omodox.
/effect give @a poison infinite 1
- gives the poison effect to all players indefinitely, until cleared with the command: /effect clear @a poison.

To remove effects, you can drink a bucket of milk or use the following commands:

/effect clear @p
- removes all effects.
/effect clear @a poison
- removes only the poison effect.

Minecraft plugins

Minecraft plugins are additional software modules installed on Minecraft servers to add new features or modify existing ones. They allow server customization to suit player needs, including altering game mechanics, adding new commands, creating economic systems, rank systems, mini-games, and more.

Features of Plugins:

  • Server-Side Functionality: Plugins operate solely on the server, meaning players don’t need to download or install anything additional to play.
  • Compatibility: Plugins are usually designed for platforms like Spigot, Bukkit, or Paper, ensuring a wide range of support for server hosts.
  • Flexibility: Server administrators can customize plugin settings through configuration files, tailoring features to fit their community.
  • No Client Modifications: Plugins don’t change the game for players on the client side, maintaining a vanilla experience while enhancing server functionality.

Why do you need plugins?
  • Server Management: For example, plugins for managing player permissions (e.g., LuckPerms).
  • Enhancing Gameplay Experience: Creating new gameplay mechanics such as an economy system (e.g., EssentialsX, Vault).
  • World Modification: Altering world generation or integrating new events into the game.
  • Server Protection: Plugins for safeguarding against griefing, cheating, or spam (e.g., CoreProtect, GriefPrevention).
  • Additional Entertainment: For example, mini-games (e.g., Bedrock Box, SandBox, Survival Plugin, Infinite Block), creating PvP arenas, or parkour challenges.

Popular Minecraft plugins for server settings:

  • EssentialsX: Provides basic commands for server administration and enhances the gameplay experience. Details
  • WorldEdit: A tool for quick world building and editing. Details
  • ViaVersion: A plugin for Minecraft servers allowing players from different Minecraft versions to connect to the same server, ensuring cross-version compatibility. Details

    It includes two sub-plugins:

    • ViaRewind: Allows players from older versions to join. Details
    • ViaBackwards: Enables compatibility with newer versions. Details

  • ServerTap: A powerful tool for server administrators to ensure stable and efficient server operation. It supports Minecraft-TikTok integration via popular apps like TikFinity and StreamToEarn. Details

Popular Minecraft minigame plugins for servers and streaming integrations:

Consider the example of the popular platform StreamToEarn, which develops plugins for its users:
  • S2E Bedrock Box Plugin - A very popular Streamer vs Viewers mini-game for Minecraft. Build a box with blocks, and viewers will summon TNT as gifts to prevent you from winning. S2E Bedrock Box Plugin
  • S2E SandBox 2 Plugin - This plugin adds a mini-game where your task is to clear the platform from sand. Viewers shower you with sand as gifts and can throw TNT to help you. S2E SandBox 2 Plugin
  • S2E Survival Plugin - This plugin helps to simplify mob creation, TNT, and gives weapons for interactive streams. Simple commands show viewer names above mobs. S2E Survival Plugin
  • S2E Infinite Block - This plugin creates a block with health. You need viewers who can either disturb or support in destroying it or add HP to it, summoning monsters that will interfere with your goal. S2E Infinite Block
  • S2E Painting Game Plugin - In this plugin, throw snowballs to turn the field blue. Lava, water, TNT, and arrows can either help or hinder you. The goal is to paint the platform entirely in the winning color (blue by default). S2E Painting Game Plugin
  • S2E Parkour - This plugin adds an arena where your task is to climb a mountain and stand there while viewers throw TNT at you to interfere or use monsters to either lift or drop you. S2E Parkour
  • S2E King of the Hill - Creates a platform where you must climb a mountain while zombies in colored armor try to push you down. S2E King of the Hill
  • S2E Sheep Out Plugin - Creates an arena where viewers summon colored sheep with their nicknames, and you shoot them with a bow. S2E Sheep Out Plugin
  • S2E Minecraft Farm Plugin - Creates a field where sheep, pigs, and chickens roam and eat wheat during events. The player must... S2E Minecraft Farm Plugin
  • S2E Building Game Plugin - Creates a mini-game where the goal is to build a house while viewers summon creepers and other challenges for you. S2E Building Game Plugin
  • S2E SandWall Plugin - Creates a platform where your task is to clear the platform from sand. Viewers shower you with sand as gifts and can throw TNT to help you. S2E SandWall Plugin

How to Use StreamToEarn and TikFinity

How Are Minecraft Commands Connected to StreamToEarn and TikFinity?
These tools allow you to enhance audience engagement by integrating Minecraft commands with live streams. By linking in-game events to viewer actions, they create interactive and dynamic gameplay experiences.

About StreamToEarn

StreamToEarn.io is a powerful tool designed specifically for streamers to engage with their audience while monetizing their streams. It provides seamless integration with Minecraft servers, enabling the use of custom commands to create unique gameplay experiences.

StreamToEarn offers a rich set of features tailored for Minecraft, including:

  • Support for running commands triggered by audience actions, such as donations or chat messages.
  • A wide variety of pre-built plugins for mini-games, which allow for easy setup of interactive content like parkour challenges, treasure hunts, and PvP arenas.
  • Customizable triggers to tie in-game actions directly to live stream events, enhancing viewer engagement.
  • Integration with other games and platforms, making it a versatile choice for streamers looking to expand their content.

StreamToEarn is ideal for streamers who want to elevate their Minecraft gameplay while providing their viewers with exciting ways to participate in real-time.

About TikFinity

TikFinity is another popular tool that integrates Minecraft commands with live streaming platforms like TikTok. It allows streamers to execute commands, trigger webhooks, or bind game actions to keyboard shortcuts based on viewer interactions. TikFinity also supports other games and offers OBS integration for smooth stream management.

How Minecraft Commands Work with These Tools

Both StreamToEarn and TikFinity utilize Minecraft commands to link in-game events with stream triggers. Here's an example of a command used for interactive gameplay:

execute at PlayerName run summon area_effect_cloud ~ ~1 ~ {Passengers:[{id:tnt},{id:tnt},{id:tnt},{id:tnt},{id:tnt}]}

This command spawns multiple TNT blocks at the player's location, creating a spectacular in-game event. Such commands are executed dynamically based on triggers like viewer donations or chat inputs, making them a powerful tool for stream engagement.

Setting Up TikFinity

To use TikFinity, start your Minecraft server and launch the TikFinity application. From there, configure triggers and link them to Minecraft commands to create engaging experiences for your viewers.

StreamToEarn and TikFinity overview
How to Set Up Tikfinity with Minecraft
  1. Start by launching your Minecraft server. Then, open the Tikfinity program.
  2. Navigate to the “Setup” section and specify Your TikTok Name. Scroll down to the “Minecraft Connection” section.
  3. Download the plugin by selecting “Download ServerTap Plugin v0.5.4 (SNAPSHOT) for Minecraft (Java) (Server only) (Installation Guide)”. Install the plugin in your server folder under the plugins directory.
  4. Restart your Minecraft server. After launching, close it and navigate to the plugins folder. A new folder named ServerTap will appear.
  5. Open the config file inside the ServerTap folder using a text editor. You will find the following configuration:
            port: 4567
            debug: false
            useKeyAuth: true
            key: 'change_me'
    Cross-check the port and key values with Tikfinity.
  6. Restart your Minecraft server again. In Tikfinity, press the “Test Connection” button to ensure everything is working correctly. A confirmation window should appear if set up successfully.
  7. Proceed to create your first event:
    • Go to the “Actions & Events” section and click “Create new Action”.
    • In the action creation window, name your action. Select “Exec Minecraft Command” and enter the following command in the provided field:
      execute at PlayerName run summon area_effect_cloud ~ ~1 ~ {Passengers:[{id:tnt},{id:tnt},{id:tnt},{id:tnt},{id:tnt}]}
    • Scroll to the bottom and click “Save”. Then, press “Play” to test the command in Minecraft. Ensure it works as expected.
  8. If the command works, create a new event:
    • Go to the “Events” section and click “Create new Event”.
    • In the event creation window, specify the user type for this command and the trigger for activation. For example, select “Any Viewer” and set it to trigger for a specific gift, such as “Rose”.
    • Link your previously created action to this event and click “Save”.
  9. Now, your TikTok event is ready. When viewers send the specified gift (e.g., “Rose”), the command will execute, spawning TNT in Minecraft.
  10. Repeat the steps to create more commands and mini-games for your viewers.


Launching the StreamToEarn app: On the right side, click on "Click here to edit". In the pop-up window, enter your "Minecraft Player Name" and "TikTok @username".

You have two options for creating and setting up a server. StreamToEarn allows you to quickly and easily create a server to develop your own mini-games and ideas or use ready-made templates and games available in the app. Alternatively, you can use ServerTap, which enables you to upload a plugin to your own server and play with friends, for example, using mods. If creating custom content isn’t your focus, the second option is recommended as it’s more convenient and faster to set up. Moreover, it provides access to a terminal and many additional features directly in the app. We’ll explore this in more detail later. If you prefer this option, you can skip the ServerTap setup.

Let’s first look at the ServerTap method, similar to Tikfinity.

“ServerTap” в StreamToEarn

After downloading ServerTap from this link, install the plugin into the “plugins” folder of your Minecraft server directory.

Next, start your Minecraft server. After it has fully launched, stop the server and navigate to the “plugins” folder. You will now see a newly created folder named “ServerTap”. Open the “config” file inside the “ServerTap” folder using a text editor. Click on “ServerTap Settings” in the StreamToEarn application.

We compare the data:

Save your changes if any data was modified. Next, click "+ Create Preset". In the column "New Preset", choose "Minecraft". In the window that opens, you'll find both pre-made templates with a variety of mini-games and a blank option, "New Template". Click "Create New Preset".

You can name the preset in the "Template Name" field. In the new interface, click the "New Trigger" button. A new window will appear, displaying various triggers ranging from gifts to paid subscriptions. Select one that interests you. For example, choose a gift, and in the lower window, select the gift "Rose".

Once the trigger is created, add your command by clicking "Add Function" - "Custom".

You can now specify the function name, the number of command repetitions, a delay after the gift, and the interval between repetitions. In the "Command #1" field, insert the following command:

execute at Omodox run summon area_effect_cloud ~ ~1 ~ {Passengers:[{id:tnt},{id:tnt},{id:tnt},{id:tnt},{id:tnt}]}

Test the command in the game by selecting "Execute command after 5 seconds" to allow time to return to the game and check its functionality, or click "Execute Command" for an instant launch. Finally, click "Save".

That's it! You can now create similar commands and start your stream.

StreamToEarn offers its own placeholders, which can be found in the "Help" section. These placeholders are used when writing commands. The available parameters are as follows:

  • {playername} - Replaces your character's name as specified in the system settings.
  • {nickname} - Displays the viewer's name in the stream.
  • {giftname} - Indicates the name of the gift sent by the viewer.
  • {giftcount} - Represents the quantity of the gift sent (e.g., 10 roses).
  • {repetition} - Specifies the number of function calls per gift, as set in the function.
  • {comment} - Displays the text of the comment sent by the viewer.
  • {index} - Represents the index of the number in a loop from 1 to N repetitions. For instance, for 10 roses sent, the 10th command will replace the index with 10, the 9th with 9, and so on.
  • {random:X Y} - Generates a random number within the range from X to Y. For example, {random:-3 3} will be replaced with a random number between -3 and 3.
  • {random:N X Y} - Generates a random number within the range from X to Y and adds it to N. For example, {random:20 -3 3} will replace the value with 23 if the random number is 2.
  • {mult:X Y} - Multiplies X by Y. For example, {mult:2 3} will result in 6.
  • {plus:X Y} - Adds X to Y. For example, {plus:2 3} will result in 5.


execute at {playername} run summon zombie ~{random:-3 3} ~ ~{random:-3 3}

This command generates a zombie at a random location with coordinates ranging from -3 to 3 along the X and Z axes.

Commands for StreamToEarn without “ServerTap”

Enter "Minecraft Player Name" and "TikTok @username". Save it. Scroll down to the "Minecraft Local Server" section. We need the "Gear" icon.

Here we have two options: either we add our existing local server, or we create a new one as shown in the image.

After creating or selecting an existing server and starting it, we will have the option to manage our server in this block, specifically:

  • Stop Server - If your server has started, you can stop it here. If it hasn’t started, you can start it by pressing "Start Server".
  • Terminal - This is our console where we can enter commands. Initially, you can type the command: op YourUsername.
  • Plugins Manager - This tab includes all the game plugins for S2E, as well as those you’ve already installed. Here you can choose a game, select a preset, go to the plugin description site, or navigate to the plugin folder of your local server. You can also restart plugins and commands by clicking "Reload Server".
  • Open Server Folder - This option opens the folder containing your server.
  • Game Rules - This block displays the most popular server rules, which we discussed earlier under the GAMERULE section. You can modify any rule here or simply review them.
  • Minecraft Chat Settings - This last block allows you to configure the chat for stream events. For example, subscriptions, likes, gifts, sender names, and more.

Next, repeat the steps as you did with "ServerTap". Click "+ Create Preset". In the "New Preset" column, select "Minecraft", and in the open window, you will see both ready-made templates with many mini-games and a blank option for our "New Template". Click "Create New Preset".

We can specify the preset name in the "Preset Name" field. In the new interface, click the "New Trigger" button. A new window will appear, where you can see various triggers, from gifts to paid subscriptions. Choose the one that is most suitable. For example, I choose a gift, and in the lower window, our gifts are displayed. I select the "Rose" gift.

Once the trigger is created, we can add our command. Click "Add Function" - "Custom".

Now we can set the function name, the number of repetitions for the command, its delay after the gift, and the interval between repetitions. In the "Command #1" field, enter your command:

execute at Omodox run summon area_effect_cloud ~ ~1 ~ {Passengers:[{id:tnt},{id:tnt},{id:tnt},{id:tnt},{id:tnt}]}

We can immediately test the command in-game. You can either "run the command after 5 seconds", which allows you to return to the game and see how the command works, or "run the command" for an immediate execution. Afterward, press the "Save" button at the bottom.

That’s it. Now you can easily create similar commands and activate them during your stream.

This is how Minecraft commands work in StreamToEarn and Tikfinity.