S2E SandWall Plugin

This plugin for minecraft adds a mini game. Your task is to clear the platform of sand. Spectators pour sand on you for gifts and can throw in-game TNT to help you.

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Only for PRO users. Version: 1.0.0


SandWall Plugin for PRO Users of StreamToEarn

This plugin works on Minecraft server version 1.21.

In this game, you need to dig up sand and wait for the timer to reach zero to win.

Setup Instructions

After installing the plugin, create an arena with the command:

/sandwall create 17 17 8

where the numbers represent (Width, Height, Number of sand rows at the start).

Interactive Gameplay for Viewers

Your viewers can create new rows of sand or summon sand blocks to rain down. As new rows appear, the arena will expand in size, and it will shrink if you destroy all sand/concrete blocks.

TNT Effects

TNT will appear from the sides and fly toward the sand rows with the command:

/sandwall tnt 1

You can also have TNT falling from the sky.

Arena Placement Advice:

Avoid creating the arena too high or too low to prevent water or lava from appearing on the arena as it expands.

Commands list

  • /sandwall help - Shows a complete list of available commands.
  • /sandwall create (width) (height) (rows of sand) - Create a platform with custom size. Expl: /sandwall create 17 17 8
  • /sandwall sand (number) (color) - It creates the specified number of sand blocks in a random location above the platform with the specified color. All available colors are listed below.
  • /sandwall sandrow (color) (number) -It functions similarly to /sandwall sand, but it creates sand over an area as wide and long as the entire platform. (number) is the number of rows
  • /sandwall tnt (count) [name] - Summons a TNT with a name (if specified) in a random location above the sand, falls, and explodes.
  • /sandwall tntsky (count) [name] - Summons a TNT with a name (if specified) flies into a random block of concrete or sand wall at the end of the arena..
  • /sandwall dragon (rows) (height) {name} - Summons a dragon from the end of the arena that destroys rows. You must specify the number and their height.
  • /sandwall wither (count of balls) {name} - summons a wither, he appears above the last row of sand and launches balls at him that summon concrete and sand.
  • /sandwall wave - This is a wave of water that turns dry concrete into concrete (one nearest row). It does not fall and is harder to break, use a pickaxe for this.
  • /sandwall delete - Delete the Platform and stop tracking the game timer.
  • /sandwall changeborders (block_type) - Replace floor and walls to block_type. Expl: /sandwall changeborders pink_stained_glass
  • /sandwall tp - Teleport player to end of sandwall.
  • /sandwall shovel - Gives you an enchanted obsidian shovel in your hand, it works well in survival mode.
  • /sandwall pickaxe - Gives you an enchanted obsidian pickaxe in your hand, it works well in survival mode.
  • /sandwall edit -The first time you enter this command you can change platform blocks. The second time you enter this command, the platform again becomes protected from the destruction of platform blocks.
  • /sandwall fill - Fill the platform with the sand.
  • /sandwall clear - Will free the platform from all sand.
  • /sandwall timer (Number) - Set a new time for the timer to win.
  • /sandwall break_buff (count) - that gives the ability to break sand with a radius of 3x1 blocks (new) v1.0.3
  • /sandwall tp-end - teleports the player to the beginning of the arena (new) v1.0.3
  • /sandwall deleterow (count) - deletes the specified number of rows (new)v1.0.3

General tips for setting up Minecraft server.

  • /gamerule sendCommandFeedback false - Will not show in the game chat what commands the server is executingll.
  • /time set day - Set the day on the server.
  • /gamerule doDaylightCycle false - Will not change from day to night and back
  • /gamerule doWeatherCycle false - The rain will not change to the sun and back.
  • /wether clear - Set the wether clear on the server.
  • /gamemode creative - Change your game mode to creative
  • /gamemode survival - Change your game mode to survival
  • These commands only work if you are an administrator on the server (OP) to make yourself an administrator, enter the command into the server terminal "op NickName"

Concrete Powder Colors

sand white orange magenta light_blue yellow lime pink gray_gravel random
gray light_gray cyan purple blue brown green red black red_sand