S2E Survival plugin

This plugin helps to simplify the creation of mobs, tnt, give weapons for Interactive broadcasts. Simple commands with viewers names over mobs.

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This plugin makes it easier to summon various mobs and events.

In addition, the plugin displays text on the screen showing who has donated, and there’s an extra overlay feature for PRO users.

It’s very simple—that’s the essence of this plugin. You install it from the plugin manager in the StreamToEarn program for Minecraft server version 1.21.

The plugin comes with a large list of commands shown below. By default, the plugin displays gifts as if using the /title command. To turn off this display, enter the command /survival hidebanner in chat.

Zombies can be equipped with different armor sets. To summon an unarmored zombie, use the command /survival zombie null {nickname}, or for a zombie in iron armor, use /survival zombie iron {nickname}. There are several options, ranging from leather to netherite armor.

{nickname} is an internal variable in StreamToEarn that displays the donor's name.

Goals and Overlay for PRO users

Currently, there are three different objectives supported by a special overlay:

/survival start timer 10 - where 10 represents 10 minutes that you need to survive.

/survival start zombie 50 - the objective is to kill 50 zombies.

/survival start sheep 10 - the objective is to find and kill 10 red sheep.

You need to add the overlay to TikTok Live Studio before setting a goal so that the overlay can update to reflect your objective.

timer - Starts from the moment you enter the command. If you respawn, the timer resets back to the specified time in minutes.

zombie - Your goal is to kill 50 mobs, and almost any mob counts. If your character dies, the target automatically increases by 1. For example, if you initially set the goal to kill 50, and your character dies, the target becomes 51.

Instead of a timer, a stopwatch will display how long your character has survived since the objective began or since the last respawn.

sheep - This objective is similar to the zombie objective but with a difference. A red sheep will spawn on the map. At the bottom of the game screen, coordinates indicate how far you need to go to find it (X, Y, Z - Width, Height, Longitude). You need to move in such a way that all values approach 0.

There are also commands to reset various counters:

/survival reset death/kills/timer.

/survival stop - stops the objective and resets all counters


/survival chest
Example: /survival chest
Description: Spawns a chest with standard loot.
Version: 1.0.3
/survival chest_super
Example: /survival chest_super
Description: Spawns a chest with rare and powerful loot.
Version: 1.0.3
/survival chest-effect
Example: /survival chest-effect
Description: Disable/enable chest spawn effects.
Version: 1.0.3
/survival armob <radius> {nickname}
Example: /survival armob 5 {nickname}
Description: Spawns a random mob targeting the player in the input radius.
Version: 1.0.3
/survival rmob <radius> {nickname}
Example: /survival rmob 5 {nickname}
Description: Spawns a random mob (without bosses) targeting the player in the input radius.
Version: 1.0.3
/survival speed <seconds>
Example: /survival speed 10
Description: Increases the player's movement speed.
Version: 1.0.4
/survival strength <seconds>
Example: /survival strength 10
Description: Increases the player's attack damage.
Version: 1.0.4
/survival regeneration <seconds>
Example: /survival regeneration 10
Description: Gradually restores the player's health.
Version: 1.0.4
/survival skeleton_trap
Example: /survival skeleton_trap
Description: Spawns a skeleton riders.
Version: 1.0.5
/survival apple_enchanted {nickname}
Example: /survival apple_enchanted {nickname}
Description: Gives the player an enchanted golden apple.
/survival bow {nickname}
Example: /survival bow {nickname}
Description: Gives the player a bow with the Infinity enchantment.
/survival random_sword {nickname}
Example: /survival random_sword {nickname}
Description: Gives the player a random sword with Sharpness 3.
/survival totem {nickname}
Example: /survival totem {nickname}
Description: Gives the player a Totem of Undying.
/survival random_armor {nickname}
Example: /survival random_armor {nickname}
Description: Gives the player a random set of armor with Protection 3.
/survival tools {nickname}
Example: /survival tools {nickname}
Description: Gives the player a set of netherite tools.
/survival random_food {nickname}
Example: /survival random_food {nickname}
Description: Gives the player 10 random cooked meats.
/survival enderpearls {nickname}
Example: /survival enderpearls {nickname}
Description: Gives the player 16 ender pearls.
/survival creeper {nickname}
Example: /survival creeper {nickname}
Description: Spawns a creeper targeting the player.
/survival evoker {nickname}
Example: /survival evoker {nickname}
Description: Spawns an evoker targeting the player.
/survival ghast {nickname}
Example: /survival ghast {nickname}
Description: Spawns a ghast targeting the player.
/survival creeper_charged {nickname}
Example: /survival creeper_charged {nickname}
Description: Spawns a charged creeper targeting the player.
/survival random_boss {nickname}
Example: /survival random_boss {nickname}
Description: Spawns a random boss targeting the player
/survival skeleton {nickname}
Example: /survival skeleton {nickname}
Description: Spawns a skeleton targeting the player.
/survival witch {nickname}
Example: /survival witch {nickname}
Description: Spawns a witch targeting the player.
/survival zombie <armor> {nickname}
Example: /survival zombie diamond {nickname}
Description: Spawns a zombie with specified armor targeting the player.
/survival bee {nickname}
Example: /survival bee {nickname}
Description: Spawns a bee targeting the player.
/survival blaze {nickname}
Example: /survival blaze {nickname}
Description: Spawns a blaze targeting the player.
/survival ravager {nickname}
Example: /survival ravager {nickname}
Description: Spawns a ravager targeting the player.
/survival piglin {nickname}
Example: /survival piglin {nickname}
Description: Spawns a piglin targeting the player.
/survival pit <width> <height> {nickname}
Example: /survival pit 3 5 {nickname}
Description: Creates a pit under the player.
/survival clear_inventory {nickname}
Example: /survival clear_inventory {nickname}
Description: Clears the inventory of all players on the server.
/survival trap {nickname}
Example: /survival trap {nickname}
Description: Traps the player in a 4x4 web structure.
/survival kill {nickname}
Example: /survival kill {nickname}
Description: Kills all players on the server.
/survival lightning {nickname}
Example: /survival lightning {nickname}
Description: Strikes lightning on all players on the server.
/survival raid {nickname}
Example: /survival raid {nickname}
Description: Spawns a full raid at the player's location.
/survival tntbox {nickname}
Example: /survival tntbox {nickname}
Description: Spawns a TNT box around the player with creepers targeting the player.
/survival water_drop {nickname}
Example: /survival water_drop {nickname}
Description: Gives the player a water bucket and teleports them 200 blocks up.
/survival bee_cage {nickname}
Example: /survival bee_cage {nickname}
Description: Spawns a honey block cage around the player with bees inside.
/survival obsidian_box {nickname}
Example: /survival obsidian_box {nickname}
Description: Spawns an obsidian box around the player.
/survival stopmove {nickname}
Example: /survival stopmove {nickname}
Description: Freezes the player's movement for 10 seconds.
/survival lavapit {nickname}
Example: /survival lavapit {nickname}
Description: Spawns a lava pit below the player.
/survival spider {nickname}
Example: /survival spider {nickname}
Description: Spawns a spider targeting the player.
/survival zombiegiant {nickname}
Example: /survival zombiegiant {nickname}
Description: Spawns a giant zombie targeting the player.
/survival tnt <timer> <force> <radius> {nickname}
Example: /survival tnt 10 5 5 {nickname}
Description: Spawns TNT near the player.
/survival hidebanner
Example: /survival hidebanner
Description: Hides the banner with the specified name.
/survival wither {nickname}
Example: /survival wither {nickname}
Description: Spawns a wither.
/survival warden {nickname}
Example: /survival warden {nickname}
Description: Spawns a warden.
/survival dog {nickname}
Example: /survival dog {nickname}
Description: Spawns a friendly dog for the player.
/survival set
Example: /survival set
Description: Gives the player a default armor and sword.
/survival start timer (number)
Example: /survival start timer 10
Description: Where 10 represents 10 minutes that you need to survive.
/survival start zombie (number)
Example: /survival start zombie 50
Description: The objective is to kill 50 zombies.
/survival start sheep (number)
Example: /survival start sheep 10
Description: The objective is to find and kill 10 red sheep.
/survival reset death/kills/timer.
Example: /survival reset death
Description: Reset overlay for the death/kills/timer.
/survival stop
Example: /survival stop
Description: Stops the objective and resets all counters.
/survival bigzombie {nickname}
Example: /survival bigzombie {nickname}
Description: Spawn a giant zombie.
/survival villager {nickname}
Example: /survival villager {nickname}
Description: Spawn a villager near the player with the nickname.

General tips for setting up Minecraft server.

  • /gamerule keepInventory true - your character will not drop items and blocks after death
  • /gamerule sendCommandFeedback false - Will not show in the game chat what commands the server is executingll.
  • /time set day - Set the day on the server.
  • /gamerule doDaylightCycle false - Will not change from day to night and back
  • /gamerule doWeatherCycle false - The rain will not change to the sun and back.
  • /weather clear - Set the wether clear on the server.
  • /gamemode creative - Change your game mode to creative
  • /gamemode survival - Change your game mode to survival
  • These commands only work if you are an administrator on the server (OP) to make yourself an administrator, enter the command into the server terminal "op NickName"