S2E Building game plugin

Experience a new level of interactive streaming with our custom Minecraft mini-game plugin, designed specifically for TikTok live streams! Your goal is to build a house, and tnts, slimes and others will hinder or help you.

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Interactive Minecraft Mini-Game Plugin - This plugin transforms your Minecraft gameplay into an engaging and interactive mini-game, perfect for TikTok Live streaming. It allows streamers to create an platform where players must build a house, adding an exciting challenge to your live broadcasts. This plugin is fully compatible with StreamToEarn and other streaming tools that integrate live events into your Minecraft server.


  • Start Kit: Players receive a block in their inventory when they create a platform or use a special command. This block will be used to build a house. They also get a water bottle in their inventory, which they will use to put out fires that ignite in the house.
  • Various Commands: A range of commands allows you to create TNT, slimes, fire, and more to modify the game environment and keep the challenge fresh.

How It Works: Use the command /building create The platform will be created, and you can start the game. Players then use a building block to build a house. Special commands like /building tnt (number) and /building block (number) will help you in your construction or, conversely, hinder you.

Rules: Only one platform can be created per server, ensuring a focused and competitive environment. All players on the server have access to the game commands, making it inclusive and engaging for the entire community.

Engage your viewers with this unique and interactive Minecraft mini-game, turning your TikTok Live streams into a thrilling and entertaining experience. Download the plugin today and start transforming your Minecraft adventures!


/building create
Example: /building create
Description: Create the game.
/building delete
Example: /building delete
Description: Delete the game.
/building edit
Example: /building edit
Description: Turns on/off block break protection. (Clears the platform and gives permission to build your structure for future construction.)
/building edit filename
Example: /building edit Structure1
Description: after the construction is completed, the player must enter the command again (You can specify a name for your structure so that you can apply it later).
/building set-building filename
Example: /building set-building Structure1
Description: You can choose the structure for building. Tab It will suggest the default, or preserved structure, if available.
/building particles
Example: /building particles
Description: Turns on/off particles in game.
/building timer (seconds_number)
Example: /building timer 10
Description: Set win timer.
/building clear
Example: /building clear
Description: Clears the platform of blocks and mobs.
/building kill
Example: /building kill
Description: Kill mobs on the platform.
/building set
Example: /building set
Description: Gives the player building materials and a bottle for extinguishing fires.
/building tp
Example: /building tp
Description: Teleport it the platform.
/building win 1/2
Example: /building win 1
Description: Completely builds a house (2 animation options).
/building reset 1/2
Example: /building reset 1
Description: Completely destroys a house (2 animation options).
/building creeper (number) {nickname}
Example: /building creeper 3 {nickname}
Description: Spawns creepers at the edge of the arena that move towards the house and explode.
/building tnt (amount) {nickname}
Example: /building tnt (amount) {nickname}
Description: Summon TNT
/building slime (number) {nickname}
Example: /building slime 1 {nickname}
Description: Spawns slimes in the arena that eat the building (up to 3 blocks).
/building fire (number)
Example: /building fire 2
Description: Spawns a fire (the specified number of blocks will catch fire).
/building build (number)
Example: /building build 5
Description: Instantly builds the specified number of blocks
/building lightning (number)
Example: /building lightning 3
Description: Summon lightning.
/building reload
Example: /building reload
Description: Reloads the game with the default structure.

How to create your own structure?

To create your own structure, you need to enter the command /building edit to enter building mode.

Build your house using any blocks.

Now, enter the command /building edit Structure1 to save the house and exit building mode.

Use the command /building set-building Structure1 to set your saved house for the game session.

General tips for setting up Minecraft server.

  • /gamerule keepInventory true - your character will not drop items and blocks after death
  • /gamerule sendCommandFeedback false - Will not show in the game chat what commands the server is executingll.
  • /time set day - Set the day on the server.
  • /gamerule doDaylightCycle false - Will not change from day to night and back
  • /gamerule doWeatherCycle false - The rain will not change to the sun and back.
  • /weather clear - Set the wether clear on the server.
  • /gamemode creative - Change your game mode to creative
  • /gamemode survival - Change your game mode to survival
  • These commands only work if you are an administrator on the server (OP) to make yourself an administrator, enter the command into the server terminal "op NickName"