S2E Sheep Out Plugin

Hunt sheep. Different colors have different life levels. Spectators call colored sheep for gifts, and you shoot at them with a bow.

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This is a mini-game in Minecraft for TikTok live streams. The rules of the game are very simple. You have an arena and a bow. Your viewers can summon sheep of different colors for events such as gifts, subscriptions, likes. Sheep come in different colors.

Each color of sheep characterizes its level. A white sheep has the first level, if it is hit by an arrow or a snowball, it will disappear immediately. A blue sheep has the 2nd level, which means if it is shot, it will become a white sheep. There are a total of 16 such levels. The last level is black - which means it will change its color 15 times before disappearing. Your task is to ensure that there are no sheep left in the arena for 15 seconds.

In addition to sheep, there are other effects, such as rain of arrows, TNT, and an Evoker who changes the color of blue sheep to red. TNT in this mode does not harm the sheep but lowers their level by 1.


This plugin only works with StreamToEarn and exclusively through "Minecraft Local Server". It will not function through ServerTap like other plugins. We have implemented copy protection measures. The plugin is available only to users with an active PRO account. Works only with an Internet connection

Installing the plugin

  • Download and install the program "StremToEarn."
  • After logging in to the program, set up a new Minecraft server on the main page of the program in the block menu section "Minecraft Local Server," or choose an existing server if available.
  • In the same window, you'll see a button "Plugin Manager." Find the necessary plugin there and click "Install."
  • When logging into your server, use the IP address phrase localhost This way you were able to log into your Minecraft, which you just launched.
  • Done! You can now start the server and join the game.

Set up the game

Check if the plugin is installed To do this, enter the command into the chat /pl If in the list of plugins you see the name of the plugin "s2e-sheepout" in green, it means it is working. We choose the place where our arena will be located. enter the command /sheepout create

How to install Minecraft Server

You can find in this video YouTube BedrockBox


/sheepout create
Example: /sheepout create
Description: Creates a play area with walls where sheep will appear.
/sheepout delete
Example: /sheepout delete
Description: Deletes an already created game arena.
/sheepout create (X) (Y)
Example: /sheepout create 10 10
Description: Creates a playing area of a certain size. X - Responsible for how many rows there will be on which sheep will appear. Y - Responsible for the distance the sheep will travel.
/sheepout sheep (color) (number) {nickname}
Example: /sheepout sheep red 1 {nickname}
Description: Summons a sheep(s) with a name (if specified) in a random position at the beginning of the line by X value. (Color) - The sheep's color determines its level; a table of all colors will be provided below.
/sheepout sheeprow (color) (number) [name]
Example: /sheepout sheeprow magneta 1 {nickname}
Description: Similar to "sheepout sheep", but it creates a row/rows of sheep of the same color at all positions at once.
/sheepout killall
Example: /sheepout killall
Description: All the sheep in the arena disappear.
/sheepout updateall (number)
Example: /sheepout updateall 10
Description: Improve the level of a specified number of sheep by 1, sheep are randomly selected (if they are present at the location)
/sheepout shoot (number) {nickname}
Example: /sheepout shoot 2 {nickname}
Description: Launches a specified number of arrows at random sheep on the arena.
/sheepout tnt (number) {nickname}
Example: /sheepout tnt 1 {nickname}
Description: Creates TNT near a random sheep on the arena. The TNT does not destroy the location but only reduces the level of sheep by 1 after each explosion.
/sheepout evoker (number) {nickname}
Example: /sheepout evoker 2 {nickname}
Description: Summons an Evoker with three times more health than usual. It changes the color of blue sheep to red in one go (from level 2 to level 10).
/sheepout timer (Number)
Example: /sheepout timer 20
Description: Set a new time for the timer to win (in seconds).

Sheep Colors

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

General tips for setting up Minecraft server.

  • /gamerule keepInventory true - your character will not drop items and blocks after death
  • /gamerule sendCommandFeedback false - Will not show in the game chat what commands the server is executingll.
  • /time set day - Set the day on the server.
  • /gamerule doDaylightCycle false - Will not change from day to night and back
  • /gamerule doWeatherCycle false - The rain will not change to the sun and back.
  • /weather clear - Set the wether clear on the server.
  • /gamemode creative - Change your game mode to creative
  • /gamemode survival - Change your game mode to survival
  • These commands only work if you are an administrator on the server (OP) to make yourself an administrator, enter the command into the server terminal "op NickName"