S2E Painting game plugin

Experience a new level of interactive streaming with our custom Minecraft mini-game plugin, designed specifically for TikTok live streams! Engage your viewers in real-time as they watch you take on a fun and challenging task: turning red blocks into blue by throwing snowballs.

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Interactive Minecraft Mini-Game Plugin - This plugin transforms your Minecraft gameplay into an engaging and interactive mini-game perfect for TikTok Live streaming. It allows streamers to create an arena where players must throw snowballs to change the color of blocks, adding an exciting challenge to your live broadcasts. This plugin is fully compatible with StreamToEarn.


  • Snowball Throwing: Players throw snowballs to turn red blocks into blue blocks, creating a dynamic and fun gameplay experience.
  • Various Commands: A range of commands allows for the creation of TNT, arrow rains, ghasts, and more to modify the game environment and keep the challenge fresh.
  • Interactive Environment: The game field can be easily created with a single command, and it supports multiple interactive elements like magma cubes, dragons, and lightning strikes to add complexity to the game.

How It Works: Use the command /painting create (number) to generate a circular arena with your specified radius. Players then use snowballs to turn red blocks into blue, aiming to cover as much of the field as possible. Special commands like /painting tnt (number) and /painting arrowrain (number) introduce additional challenges and effects, keeping the game exciting and unpredictable.

Rules: Only one arena can be created per server, ensuring a focused and competitive environment. All players on the server have access to the game commands, making it inclusive and engaging for the entire community.

Engage your viewers with this unique and interactive Minecraft mini-game, turning your TikTok Live streams into a thrilling and entertaining experience. Download the plugin today and start transforming your Minecraft adventures!


/painting create (number)
Example: /painting create 17
Description: Creates a circular arena with the specified radius.
/painting delete
Example: /painting delete
Description: Deletes the arena.
/painting tnt (number)
Example: /painting tnt 1
Description: Creates TNT at a random spot in the arena, turning blue blocks to red in a 3x3 area.
/painting tntnear (number)
Example: /painting tntnear 1
Description: Spawns TNT near the player that turns blue blocks to red in a 3x3 area.
/painting arrowrain (number)
Example: /painting arrowrain 10
Description: Shoots arrows at blue blocks to turn them blue.
/painting goldarrowrain (number)
Example: /painting goldarrowrain 5
Description: Shoots arrows at red blocks to turn them red.
/painting ghasts (number) {nickname}
Example: /painting ghasts 3 {nickname}
Description: Spawns 4 ghasts around the arena that shoot (number) times, turning blue blocks to red.
/painting dragon
Example: /painting dragon
Description: A dragon flies over the arena and drops TNT that turns blue blocks to red.
/painting magmatnt
Example: /painting magmatnt
Description: Drops a magma cube that splits into TNT, turning blue blocks to red.
/painting lavalasers (number)
Example: /painting lavalasers 10
Description: Creates a lava pillar above blue blocks, turning them red in a 5x5 area.
/painting waterlasers (number)
Example: /painting waterlasers 10
Description: Creates a water pillar above red blocks, turning them blue in a 5x5 area.
/painting lightning (amount)
Example: /painting lightning 1
Description: Strikes a random spot, turning blue blocks to red in a 4x4 area.
/painting buffsnowball (number)
Example: /painting buffsnowball 10
Description: For (number) seconds, increases the number of snowballs that the player launches to cover more ground when repainting
/painting changeblock (block_type)
Example: /painting change_redblock lapis_block
Description: Changes the type of blocks needed for victory to the specified block type.
/painting change_redblock (block_type)
Example: /painting change_redblock redstone_block
Description: Changes red blocks to the specified block type, representing losing blocks.
/painting tntnear
Example: /painting tntnear
Description: Spawns TNT near the player that turns blue blocks to red in a 3x3 area.
/painting win
Example: /painting win
Description: Fill the arena with blue blocks.
/painting reset
Example: /painting reset
Description: Fill the arena with red blocks.
/painting waterlasers_reset
Example: /painting waterlasers_reset
Description: Spawns water lasers until the entire arena is colored with blue blocks.
/painting lavalasers_reset
Example: /painting lavalasers_reset
Description: Spawns lava lasers until the entire arena is colored with red blocks.
/painting edit
Example: /painting edit
Description: Turns on/off block break protection.
/painting tp
Example: /painting tp
Description: Teleports the player to the center of the arena.
/painting timer (seconds_number)
Example: /painting timer 10
Description: Set win timer

General tips for setting up Minecraft server.

  • /gamerule keepInventory true - your character will not drop items and blocks after death
  • /gamerule sendCommandFeedback false - Will not show in the game chat what commands the server is executingll.
  • /time set day - Set the day on the server.
  • /gamerule doDaylightCycle false - Will not change from day to night and back
  • /gamerule doWeatherCycle false - The rain will not change to the sun and back.
  • /weather clear - Set the wether clear on the server.
  • /gamemode creative - Change your game mode to creative
  • /gamemode survival - Change your game mode to survival
  • These commands only work if you are an administrator on the server (OP) to make yourself an administrator, enter the command into the server terminal "op NickName"