Sky Runner is a mini-game designed for interactive streams by Stream To Earn, available to users with an Expert subscription on servers running version 1.21.
How to Play:
Setup: After installing the plugin, enter the command /skyrunner create
in the game to initialize the game environment.
Objective: Your goal is to navigate from the gold block to the red block. Upon reaching the red block, a timer will start. Once this timer expires, the path will collapse, and your victory will be recorded.
Viewer Interaction: Viewers can influence your game by sending gifts. These gifts can:
- Generate paths in various directions.
- Summon different mobs to challenge you.
If you're knocked off the path, you'll automatically be returned to the start.
Change the type of blocks using /skyrunner changeblock [block_type]
To adjust the segment sizes, navigate to the Plugin Manager, select Installed Plugins, find Skyrunner, and click Edit. The "Size of road" setting determines the length of the road per gift.
Additional Features: The game includes commands for various structures such as ice, soul sand, tunnels, and platforms. There are also options for TNT and buffs that enhance running speed and jumping abilities.
TNT not throwing up?
If you previously used a plain bedrock box and disabled TNT there, you can't turn them back on with the same command from the plugin. /bedrock disableknockback - disables/enabled tnt nockback for player.
Does it throw you off the server if you have a lot of TNT?
In the server folder, there is a file called need to change the value to:allow-flight=trueThis will prevent the server from thinking you're cheating and kicking you for flying.
For more detailed instructions or assistance, please contact support.
General tips for setting up Minecraft server.
- /gamerule keepInventory true - your character will not drop items and blocks after death
- /gamerule sendCommandFeedback false - Will not show in the game chat what commands the server is executingll.
- /time set day - Set the day on the server.
- /gamerule doDaylightCycle false - Will not change from day to night and back
- /gamerule doWeatherCycle false - The rain will not change to the sun and back.
- /weather clear - Set the wether clear on the server.
- /gamemode creative - Change your game mode to creative
- /gamemode survival - Change your game mode to survival
These commands only work if you are an administrator on the server (OP) to make yourself an administrator, enter the command into the server terminal "op NickName"