S2E Shield Runner

The goal is to reach the finish line, which you can modify and customize. During the run, spectators can hinder you by spawning various monsters.

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Shield Runner is a mini-game designed for interactive streams by Stream To Earn, available to users with an Expert subscription on servers running version 1.21.

Setup: After installing the plugin, enter the command /shieldrunner create <normal/infinity/hard/infinity_hard> in the game to initialize the game environment.

Objective: Your goal is to run as far as possible, setting a new distance record.

Viewer Interaction: Viewers can influence your game by sending gifts. These gifts can:

  • Summon various mobs to challenge you.
  • Summon various obstacles
  • Change the player's speed
  • Change the playing field


1. Installing the Plugin

  • Download and install the "StreamToEarn" program.
  • After logging in, set up a new Minecraft server on the main page of the program in the "Minecraft Local Server" section, or choose an existing server if available.
  • In the same window, you'll see a button "Plugin Manager." Find the necessary plugin there and click "Install."
  • Done! You can now start the server and join the game.

2. Setting Up the Game

Select a location within the game world for creating the game field. It should be within the playable area.

The plugin contains 4 different types of gameplay. Each is called by a separate command.

/shieldrunner create normal - creates a new location from segments where you need to reach the finish line. Has a limit of 1000 blocks.

/shieldrunner create infinity - an infinite map is generated.

/shieldrunner create hard - creates a new location from segments where you need to run to the finale and a large zombie running behind you and trying to kill you.

/shieldrunner create infinity_hard - an infinite map is generated and a large zombie running behind you and trying to kill you.

3. Connect Minecraft Server to TikTok Live

To connect to TikTok, you can use StreamToEarn or other programs. If you're using StreamToEarn, there's already a ready-made template available. You can simply copy it and start using it. For more detailed instructions on how to use StreamToEarn, refer to the "Tutorial" page within the program.


/shieldrunner create <normal/infinity/hard/infinity_hard>
Example: /shieldrunner create normal
Description: Creates game.
/shieldrunner delete
Example: /shieldrunner delete
Description: Delete game.
/shieldrunner tp
Example: /shieldrunner tp
Description: Teleport player to the start of the game
/shieldrunner set_goal <goal>
Example: /shieldrunner set_goal 2000
Description: Changes the target by the number of blocks that need to be run for a given number of blocks.
/shieldrunner web
Example: /shieldrunner web
Description: Spawns a line of webs in front of the player.
/shieldrunner chest
Example: /shieldrunner chest
Description: Generates a chest with random loot (clothes, food, jars) in front of the player.
/shieldrunner speed <seconds>
Example: /shieldrunner speed 10
Description: Increases running speed by 2 times for a given number of seconds.
/shieldrunner pig <speed> <count>
Example: /shieldrunner pig 2 20
Description: Puts the player on a pig and it runs forward blocks at speed .
/shieldrunner arrow <count> <nickname>
Example: /shieldrunner arrow 5 {nickname}
Description: Launches an arrow towards the player 10 blocks away from the player on the side they are walking from.
/shieldrunner wind <name>
Example: /shieldrunner wind {nickname}
Description: Spawn wind.
/shieldrunner tnt <damage> <name>
Example: /shieldrunner tnt 2 {nickname}
Description: Spawn tnt towards the player with power - .
/shieldrunner lasers <range> <count>
Example: /shieldrunner lasers 10 3
Description: Lava lasers appear in front of the player, damaging them and turning the floor into magma. Range - the range of the lasers' impact zone, count - their number.
/shieldrunner wither_skeleton <name>
Example: /shieldrunner wither_skeleton {nickname}
Description: A skeleton vizier will appear in front of the player.
/shieldrunner creeper <name>
Example: /shieldrunner creeper {nickname}
Description: Spawns creeper
/shieldrunner minefield
Example: /shieldrunner minefield
Description: A minefield will spawn in front of the player.
/shieldrunner dragon <name>
Example: /shieldrunner dragon {nickname}
Description: Spawn the dragon that sets the arena on fire
/shieldrunner wardens
Example: /shieldrunner wardens {nickname}
Description: Spawns vardens that block vision, slow down, and fire on the player.
/shieldrunner piglin {nickname}
Example: /shieldrunner piglin {nickname}
Description: Spawns similar to a zombie, but runs faster and deals more damage.
/shieldrunner zombie <name>
Example: /shieldrunner zombie {nickname}
Description: A zombie is generated that will run towards the player and run past (can hit).
/shieldrunner stop
Example: /shieldrunner stop
Description: Stop game and save temp goal.
/shieldrunner start
Example: /shieldrunner start
Description: Start game and load temp goal.
/shieldrunner goal <add/sub> <count>
Example: /shieldrunner goal add 10
Description: Adds or subtracts a of blocks to the target.
/shieldrunner horse <speed> <count>
Example: /shieldrunner horse 2 15
Description: Puts the player on a horse and he runs back count blocks at speed -
/shieldrunner regeneat
Example: /shieldrunner regeneat
Description: Turns the player's hunger on/off.
/shieldrunner win
Example: /shieldrunner win
Description: Moves the finish 5 blocks ahead of the player
/shieldrunner slime
Example: /shieldrunner slime
Description: Spawns a 3-block wide slime moving towards the player.
/shieldrunner magmacube
Example: /shieldrunner magmacube
Description: A magma cube 5 blocks wide will spawn, moving towards the player.
/shieldrunner ravager
Example: /shieldrunner ravager
Description: Spawns a 2 block wide bull moving towards the player

General tips for setting up Minecraft server.

  • /gamerule keepInventory true - your character will not drop items and blocks after death
  • /gamerule sendCommandFeedback false - Will not show in the game chat what commands the server is executingll.
  • /time set day - Set the day on the server.
  • /gamerule doDaylightCycle false - Will not change from day to night and back
  • /gamerule doWeatherCycle false - The rain will not change to the sun and back.
  • /weather clear - Set the wether clear on the server.
  • /gamemode creative - Change your game mode to creative
  • /gamemode survival - Change your game mode to survival
  • These commands only work if you are an administrator on the server (OP) to make yourself an administrator, enter the command into the server terminal "op NickName"