S2E Pots Arena

PotsArena - an interactive mini-game for streams in Minecraft 1.21. Try to build an arena with pots while viewers spawn mobs and trigger events that destroy them.

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Pots Arena is a mini-game designed for interactive streams by Stream To Earn, available to users with an Pro subscription on servers running version 1.21.

Setup: After installing the plugin, enter the command /pots create (count) (count) in the game to initialize the game environment that can ranging in size from 15 by 15 to 25 by 25 blocks.

Objective: Your goal is to build pots along all the walls of the arena

Viewer Interaction: Viewers can influence your game by sending gifts. These gifts can:

  • Summon various mobs to challenge or help you.
  • Summon various obstacles (water, lava, prison, web).
  • Change the playing field


1. Installing the Plugin

  • Download and install the "StreamToEarn" program.
  • After logging in, set up a new Minecraft server on the main page of the program in the "Minecraft Local Server" section, or choose an existing server if available.
  • In the same window, you'll see a button "Plugin Manager." Find the necessary plugin there and click "Install."
  • Done! You can now start the server and join the game.

2. Setting Up the Game

Select a location within the game world for creating the game field. It should be within the playable area. Then enter the command /pots create.

3. Connect Minecraft Server to TikTok Live

To connect to TikTok, you can use StreamToEarn or other programs. If you're using StreamToEarn, there's already a ready-made template available. You can simply copy it and start using it. For more detailed instructions on how to use StreamToEarn, refer to the "Tutorial" page within the program.


/pots help
Example: /pots help
Description: Contains all plugin commands with descriptions.
/pots create (count) (count)
Example: /pots create 20 20
Description: Creates a gaming arena ranging in size from 15 by 15 to 25 by 25 blocks
/pots skeleton (count) (name)
Example: /pots skeleton 2 name
Description: Summons a skeleton/skeletons at a random location in the arena, taking into account the walls.
/pots creeper (count) (name)
Example: /pots creeper 1 name
Description: Summons a creeper/creepers in the center of the location, which runs towards the pots and explodes after a few seconds.
/pots pot (count) (name)
Example: /pots pots 6 name
Description: Creates a pot/pots in the center of the location that will fly to a random empty spot near the wall
/pots golem
Example: /pots golem
Description: A golem will spawn in the center of the arena, it disappears after 5 hits.
/pots edit
Example: /pots edit
Description: Allows/disallows breaking walls
/pots fill
Example: /pots fill
Description: Puts pots near all the walls
/pots reset
Example: /pots reset
Description: Deletes all pots.
/pots timer (number)
Example: /pots timer 5
Description: Сhanges the time to victory by (number) seconds
/pots win
Example: /pots win
Description: Creates a victory effect and cleans all pots.
/pots starter
Example: /pots starter
Description: Gives out a starter pack: a pot, a bucket and a bow.
/pots zombie <count> <name>
Example: /pots zombi 1 name
Description: Spawn zombie/zombies.
/pots tp
Example: /pots tp
Description: Teleports the player to the center of the arena.
/pots kill
Example: /pots kill
Description: Kills all mobs.
/pots tnt (count) (force)
Example: /pots tnt 1 2
Description: Spawn tnt with force from 1 to 10.
/pots arrows (count)
Example: /pots arrows 7
Description: (Count) arrows fly from the sky to a random place in the arena.
/pots delete
Example: /pots delete
Description: Deletes arena.
/pots arrowbomb
Example: /pots arrowbomb
Description: Shoots many arrows into different sides of the arena, which destroy the pots.
/pots skeletonup <count> <nick>
Example: /pots skeletonup 2 name
Description: Spawn skeleton/skeletons on the walls.
/pots wither_skeleton <count> <name>
Example: /pots wither_skeleton 3 name
Description: Summons a wither skeleton/skeletons at a random location in the arena
/pots water (count)
Example: /pots water 2
Description: Creates a pot/pots with water inside.
/pots lawa (count)
Example: /pots water (count)
Description: Creates a pot/pots with lawa inside.
/pots zombie_pot(count)
Example: /pots zombie_pot 3
Description: Creates a pot/pots with zombie inside.
/pots apple (count)
Example: /pots apple 2
Description: Creates a pot/pots with gold apple inside.
/pots skeleton_pot (count)
Example: /pots skeleton_pot 1
Description: Creates a pot/pots with skeleton inside.
/pots rand_pot
Example: /pots rand_pot
Description: Creates a pot with a random effect or monster inside.
/pots creeper_pot (count)
Example: /pots creeper_pot 1
Description: Creates a pot/pots with a creeper inside
/pots wolf_pot (count)
Example: /pots wolf_pot 2
Description: Creates a pot/pots with a wolf inside. This wolf will kill one monster and dissappear.
/pots endarena (count) (count)
Example: /pots endarena 20 20
Description: Creates a gaming arena in end style ranging in size from 15 by 15 to 25 by 25 blocks
/pots sandarena (count) (count)
Example: /pots sandarena 15 20
Description: Creates a gaming arena in sand style ranging in size from 15 by 15 to 25 by 25 blocks
/pots oceanarena (count) (count)
Example: /pots oceanarena 20 20
Description: Creates a gaming arena in ocean style ranging in size from 15 by 15 to 25 by 25 blocks
/pots netherarena (count) (count)
Example: /pots netherarena 20 20
Description: Creates a gaming arena in nether style ranging in size from 15 by 15 to 25 by 25 blocks
/pots prison (time)
Example: /pots prison 10
Description: creates a glass prison above the arena, transports the streamer there for a specified time in seconds. .Creates four monsters that break pots.
/pots dragon (time)
Example: /pots dragon 5
Description: Creates dragon wich flying above arena and destroys everything for a set amount of time.
/pots web (time)
Example: /pots web 5
Description: Fills the arena with webs for a given period of time.
/pots prize
Example: /pots prize
Description: Creates a pot with a random effect.
/pots goat (count)
Example: /pots goat 3
Description: Creates a pot/pots with a goat inside. The goat will randomly run into a wall and destroy a column of pots.
/pots source
Example: /pots source
Description: Deletes lawa and water from arena.
/pots skeletonup (count) (name)
Example: /pots skeletonup 3 name
Description: Spawn skeleton/skeletons on the walls.
/pots slow_skeleton (count) (name)
Example: /pots slow_skeleton 2 name
Description: Summons a small skeleton/skeletons with 0.5 damage of skeleton at a random location in the arena, taking into account the walls.

General tips for setting up Minecraft server.

  • /gamerule keepInventory true - your character will not drop items and blocks after death
  • /gamerule sendCommandFeedback false - Will not show in the game chat what commands the server is executingll.
  • /time set day - Set the day on the server.
  • /gamerule doDaylightCycle false - Will not change from day to night and back
  • /gamerule doWeatherCycle false - The rain will not change to the sun and back.
  • /weather clear - Set the wether clear on the server.
  • /gamemode creative - Change your game mode to creative
  • /gamemode survival - Change your game mode to survival
  • These commands only work if you are an administrator on the server (OP) to make yourself an administrator, enter the command into the server terminal "op NickName"