Elden Ring TikTok Live Integration Mod

About Mode

With the StreamToEarn program, you can install a special mod forElden Ring that allows you to trigger exciting in-game events during your live stream. Your TikTok Live viewers can interact with your game by sending gifts in exchange for summoning creatures, activating effects, and launching events in real time. This not only boosts viewer engagement but also increases support for your stream.

How to Get Everything Working

Need help?

If you have any questions or encounter any issues, feel free to reach out to our support chat directly in the StreamToEarn program on the Support page. Our team is always ready to help you!

Commands list

spawn <enemyID> <npcParamId>
spawn 4491 44910050
Spawns an enemy with the specified ID and parameters.
spawnitem <itemId> <amount>
spawnitem 100AFCE4 1
Adds an item to the player's inventory with the specified quantity. List of items
heal (number)
heal 100
Add or Remove the player's HP to +(number) or -(number).
Restores the player's HP to full.
Sets the player's health to 1 HP.
Kills the player instantly.
stamina <effect>
stamina 30
Provides infinite stamina for the specified duration in seconds.
focuspoints <effect>
focuspoints 30
Provides infinite focus points for the specified duration in seconds.
consumable <effect>
consumable 30
Gives infinite consumables for the specified duration in seconds.
oneshot <effect>
oneshot 10
Kills all enemies in one hit for the specified duration in seconds.
nodeath <effect>
nodeath 10
Provides invincibility for the specified duration in seconds.
changelevel <effect>
changelevel 5
Adds or subtracts levels from the player. Positive values add levels; negative values subtract levels.
changerunes <effect>
changerunes 10
Adds or subtracts runes from the player. Positive values add runes; negative values subtract runes.
undress <effect>
undress 10
Removes the player's clothing for the specified duration in seconds.
Changes the player's gender.
bighead <effect>
bighead 10
Gives the player a big head for the specified duration in seconds.
smallhead <effect>
smallhead 10
Gives the player a small head for the specified duration in seconds.
fat <effect>
fat 10
Makes the player appear fat for the specified duration in seconds.
skinny <effect>
skinny 10
Makes the player appear skinny for the specified duration in seconds.
randombody <effect>
randombody 10
Gives the player a random body appearance for the specified duration in seconds.
Equips a random helmet on the player.
Equips random armor on the player.
Equips random gauntlets on the player.
Equips random leggings on the player.
Changes the player's outfit to a random set.
Changes the current weapon in the left hand to a random one
Changes the current weapon in the right hand to a random one

List of Creatures in Elden Ring

Mob Type Levels Enemy ID - NPC Param ID
skeleton 0 3500 35000010, 3500 35001010, 3500 35002010, 3500 35003010, 3500 35004010
30 3500 35000020, 3500 35001020, 3500 35002020, 3500 35003020, 3500 35004020
40 3500 35000032, 3500 35001032, 3500 35002032, 3500 35003032, 3500 35004032
wolf 0 4070 40702012, 4070 40700020
20 4071 40710010
60 4070 40700052
flower 0 4480 44800010, 4481 44810010
40 4480 44800020, 4480 44800064, 4480 44800120, 4480 44800220, 4482 44820040
80 4480 44800162, 4481 44810162
jar 0 4491 44910033, 4491 44910014
40 4491 44910124
60 4491 44910033
80 4491 44910050
rat 0 4090 40900010, 4080 40800010
20 4090 40900012, 4080 40800012
40 4080 40800034
60 4090 40900034
80 4080 40800051
imp 0 3080 30800012
30 3080 30800007
golem 80 4660 46600030
ant 0 4280 42800060
40 4280 42800166
80 4280 42800066
hand 0 4250 42500021
20 4250 42500032
lobster 0 4420 44200020
60 4420 44200035
crystalian 0 3350 33500000
25 3350 33500920
40 3350 33501000
60 3350 33501920
80 3350 33502000
120 3350 33502920
tree_avatar 0 4810 48100000
25 4810 48100012
40 4810 48100020
60 4810 48110040
80 4810 48100066
100 4810 48100150
120 4810 48110042
runebear 0 4630 46300000
25 4630 46300010
40 4630 46300020
60 4630 46300032
tree_spirit 0 4640 46400000
25 4640 46400014
40 4640 46400007
60 4640 46400033
80 4640 46400034
100 4640 46400032
120 4640 46400950
150 4640 46400942
deathbird 0 4980 49800000
20 4980 49800010
30 4980 49800012
40 4980 49800020
Boss Name Enemy ID - NPC Param ID
legend_godrick 4750 47500014
legend_renala 2031 20310024
legend_morgott 2130 21300534
legend_radahn 4730 47300040
legend_mohg 4800 48000068
legend_maliketh 2110 21101072
legend_godfrey 4720 47200070
legend_malenia 2120 21200056
legend_radagon 2190 21900078
legend_firegiant 4760 47600050
legend_eldenbeast 2200 22000078

Example of use

To spawn hand command is:

spawn 4250 42500021

Need help?

If you have any questions or encounter any issues, feel free to reach out to our support chat directly in the StreamToEarn program on the Support page. Our team is always ready to help you!